Google Unveils Its Latest Algorithm Changes for October 2023

This marks the third significant core algorithm update for the year 2023. To provide some context, the first core update of the year was the March 2023 core update, which commenced its rollout on March 15 and concluded on March 28. Following that, the second core update of 2023, known as the August 2023 core update, began its rollout on August 22 and wrapped up on September 7.

Google’s official announcement regarding this most recent update was made on an undisclosed date, and they updated their search status page accordingly:

“Google has released the October 2023 core update. The rollout process is expected to span up to 2 weeks.”

For those who may experience a negative impact on their rankings due to this core update, Google has provided guidance based on previous experiences:

There are no specific actions to take for recovery; a drop in rankings may not necessarily imply issues with your webpages.
Google has presented a list of questions to consider if your website is affected by a core update.
Notably, Google suggests that some degree of recovery may occur between core updates, with the most substantial changes often taking place after another core update.
The significance of these updates lies in their potential to either improve or diminish a website’s performance in search results. Tracking these updates is essential as it helps discern whether changes made to your site have impacted its performance or if Google’s algorithm updates are responsible.

However, it’s worth noting that distinguishing the precise impact of the October 2023 core update might be challenging, given that it coincides with the rollout of the October 2023 spam update.

To provide a broader context, here’s a summary of recent core updates:

August 2023 core update: August 22 to September 7.
March 2023 core update: March 15 to March 28.
September 2022 broad core update: Concluded on September 26.
May 2022 broad core update: A significant and swift update.
November 2021 core update.
July 2021 core update.
June 2021 core update: A sizable update, though it had a slow rollout.
Additionally, Google is currently in the process of rolling out the October 2023 spam update, which typically takes around three weeks to complete. This means that there may be some overlap between the effects of the October 2023 core update and the October 2023 spam update. Furthermore, in September, Google implemented the September 2023 helpful content update over a 14-day period.